Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why Am I Taking the Flats Challenge?

Today marked the beginning of the Flats & Handwashing Challenge over on Dirty Diaper Laundry, it was also Mother's Day, but mostly I was excited about the Challenge.

I've heard about and watched YouTube videos for the last 3 years and always wanted to do it but always hesitated.  Figured I didn't have time or that people would think I'm crazy, blah blah blah.  This year I took the plunge.  So what? I'm crazy lol.  I've already established that I am not like most ladies my age, I like to do things differently. lol

Since I already had 12 flats and some receiving blankets and covers (I mainly use prefolds and covers) this really wasn't going to be that different, right? Why not jump in feet first?  Gracie is my last baby so this is the last time I'll be able to say that I got to participate in a challenge that really, just sounds fun.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I have an appreciation for "old fashion" housewife ways.  I like to learn and do as much as I can in the way a generation before me would do it. Sometimes I truly believe I was born in the wrong era. I love to learn about the Depression Era and how families survived in those days. I love a more sweet simple country life.  I frequently wish I could just shut down all technology (except plumbing) and do things the way it used to be done.  I love hearing my husband's grandmother talk about raising her babies back in a much simpler way of life.

Sure modern convenienves have their place and make life much easier, but at times I think maybe life has been made to easy. Often we find we like to slow down, usually we go camping when we need a break. This flats challenge is going to give me the opportunity to know that if I need to wash diapers with no machine, I can do it and will have the know how.  It also has opened my eyes to how simple it is to use just a piece of cotton and a waterproof cover to diaper a baby.  I WISH I had known this 7 years ago when we had our first child. Would have saved us a lot of money.

I'm really excited about the challenge this brings.  So far I've done a load by hand and truly it wasn't that hard. Sure it was work but it wasn't hard or difficult. Someone asked me why I want to make things harder on myself, I think I'm making it easier honestly. I feel more connected with my roots...already.

I will be keeping track of my journey here on my blog...follow along!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. HI Jaymie

    Congrats on taking the challenge! I'm trying to contact you about possibly doing a book review and giveaway. I can't find a way of contacting you so commenting here. You can contact me at amcknight (at) hopediapers (dot) org.

    All the best,

