Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our First Day of School

Millington Creek Academy began the 2013-2014 school year on August 12th.  It was a great day over all.  We had a few rough patches in the morning with the little ones not fully understanding that it was indeed time to do school and not dilly dally around, but all in all it went pretty smoothly.
Devyn & Hayden with their work baskets.
Right now our routine is working to do Bible & Devotion after breakfast, then I work independently with Hayden on math and reading while Devyn & Faith watch a few online videos or play on Starfall together, learning about their letters and singing songs. While Hayden does his copywork, Devyn & I will get out his workbooks and do one or two pages in them. The pace is up to him as he can sometimes just be done all together and want to play.
Hayden working on Copywork from The Jolly Robin
We are all together at the table so I am constantly with all of them.IMG_0706
Spelling Words
After morning studies we take a break for lunch and “recess.” I put Faith down for a nap while the boys have quiet time and then Hayden and I work on Science & History, while Devyn plays with his toys.
I hope it continues to go as smoothly as it has gone the last two days.  The kids are really enjoying themselves and we usually finish school around 2:30, which leaves me plenty of time to work on housework, play and read, and get dinner started by the time Randy gets home.
I think everyone, even skeptical Randy, has been pleased with the way everything is running so far.  Which makes everyone happy Smile
“Recess” time on the mound of dirt Daddy brought home.
Sleepy little girl all tuckered out from her morning. She was asleep in the bed, then crawled out came into the living room and fell back to sleep on the floor. Silly little girl Smile

Well that is all for now, I have some things to get finished before the school day starts!
Hope your first days are going well!
Have a great day!

Linked to Deep Roots At Home Linkup
NOT-Back To School Blog Hop


  1. Looks very organized, Jaymie. Well done. That dirt pile brought a smile to my face. When my boys were littler there was nothing more magical...or exhausting...than digging and moving earth with tonka trucks. God bless these sweet days.

    1. Oh yes they were enjoying themselves! Yesterday they were riding their bikes down the pile! LOL They can be exhausting but so worth it :-) Thank you and God bless! :-)

  2. Many blessings on your homeschool year! :)

